Hello Hello, Easter is quickly approaching! Earlier this month I gave you a few ideas for decorating your table for the big day but we didn't talk about how to decorate your house. One of the ways I get ideas is by finding projects online or in magazines that get my ideas flowing and then make it my own. Here is an idea from
Martha Stewart's website that caught my eye. We have traditional Easter wreaths hanging in our store with the usual plastic eggs and Easter grass but I thought this was a fun update. In her project they used real eggs that had been hollowed out and dried leaves. We thought that we could get a similar look with the plastic eggs that we carry. They aren't the ones that you put candy in, they are a softer plastic that we were able to easily poke a hole in so that we could thread our eggs onto a wire. Make sure that you use a 16 gauge wire otherwise your wreath will end up a little droopy! After we had all of our eggs on we tied coordinating ribbon in between each egg and ended with a bow on top. Your wreath could also be used as a simple centerpiece with candles in the middle. Have fun decorating, see ya tomorrow! Tiff
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