Our program is going to be run rather uniquely. We will NOT be taking up any of your precious time by making you come in to sit and listen to a sales presentation monthly. Our program will be set up on an End-Cap in the Quilt Shop. Starting January 1st, block one will available to purchase for $9.99 white tag or $ 6.97 yellow tag. Then in February you can come in with your completed block from January, you will then be able to pick up February's block for only $3.97. Continue this process until you have all 12 blocks completed.
Something else I think is pretty important for us to mention is with the extra fabric left over from your monthly blocks you are able to use it to create the pinwheels for the quilt. You will need more of the Michael Miller Jet Black Fabric for the backgrounds. O.K. enough of the detail stuff. All I have left to say is Whoo Hoo!!!

This is beautiful!! Would this be something that a beginner could do? In other words is there someone that can teach how to put it all together ect? I would love to make this quilt but i honestly do not know a darn thing! Any suggestions?
ReplyDeletem s s t o e n @ r u n e s t o n e . n e t